Donations & Memberships

Become member of Treasure, through an annual donation of CHF 300/ €190/ $290 and receive our monthly newsletter
Support our actions by donating any amount of your choice.
For any amount over CHF 300/ €190/ $290, you will automatically become a member. If you prefer not to, please inform us.
When becoming a member, you will receive our monthly newsletter, informing you of the progress and the updates of Treasure, indicating how your donations are being utilized. 
You will also receive invitations to events and charitable dinners.

You may chose to donate to a specific project: School in Pomgaon, Education in Pakistan, Sichuan earthquake fund relief, building a school in Rajasthan (India), etc... If so, please indicate this to us along with your payment. Thank you.
Donate to a specific project
Become a member
Make a donation

By deposit slip (BVR). Please send us an e-mail with your mailing details: , and we shall send you the necessary documents.

By Pay Pal. By clicking on 
     Please also send us an e-mail confirming your remittance:  

By wire tansfer. Indicating your details in the message for us to send you a receipt: 

      Treasure, Compte Postal no 10-764266-4
      IBAN CH61 0900 0000 1076 4266 4, BIC POFICHBEXXX 

      Please also send us an e-mail confirming your remittance:

For every donation made, you will receive a receipt followed by a tax receipt at the end of the year.mailto:donations@childrenaretreasure.orgmailto:donations@childrenaretreasure.orgmailto:donations@childrenaretreasure.orgshapeimage_7_link_0shapeimage_7_link_1shapeimage_7_link_2

Treasure is a non-profit organization based in Switzerland. Any amount donated to the association can be deducted from the donator’s income tax.
Nota Bene